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LanzaCarlo srl - Italy - PI 01812530069. All Rights Reserved. - reporting of public funds
LANZA CARLO SNC was founded in early Sixties by CARLO LANZA. Nowadays his sons Mirco and Alberto are leading the firm.
Alberto is in charge of production and quality control, while Mirco is the Sales Manager and is in charge of customers' realtions.
The entire production development takes place into the Company's own atelier located in Valenza, where skilled craftsmen create a distinguished jewerly line for an international clientele that, time after time, is becoming more sophisticated.
The main characteristic of LanzaCarlo's production process is care of every detail, as well as qualified selection of the raw materials. Its products are attentive to the latest trends and fashions that generates a modern, yet refined design. Every single item is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity for the final consumer. lanza carlo snc takes pride in the meticulous after-sale service with a prompt assistance to any request such as sizing, small alterations, etc.
LanzaCarlo's products can be found in the guild jewelers of Italy, Northern Europe and, eventually, in the overseas markets
Lanza Carlo snc
via Banda Lenti 8 - 15048 Valenza (AL) - Italy
ph +39 0131 943348 - fax 39 0131 956616
VAT-ID IT01812530069 - REA NR. 201831 - pec: lanzacarlo@pec.lanzacarlo.it
In this section you find an excerpt of LanzaCarlo's collection. If you like to wiew entire catalogue, please register
Lanza Carlo snc, Via Banda Lenti 8, 15048 Valenza AL, PI 01812530069, e-mail o P.E.C. lanzacarlo@pec.lanzacarlo.it, (below, "Data controller"), as Data Controller, under art. 13 D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 n. 196 (below, "Codice Privacy") and under UE Regulation n. 2016/679 (below, "GDPR"), adopts the following Privacy Policy.
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LanzaCarlo snc - Italy - VAT-Id IT01812530069. All Rights Reserved.